Fellowship Ministries
United Church of Marco Island was founded on the concept that more unites us together in Christ than does divide. Still today, we are united in spirit, service, and fellowship together.

Consists of a group of congregants passionate about caring for others. This group meets monthly but works continuously to make phone calls and send cards to those in need of prayer and encouragement. Description text goes here
The UCMI Deacons are responsible for assisting the Senior Minister and others to help facilitate weekly worship services, funerals, and weddings. Deacons and greeters can be any couple or individuals who wish to help us greet and welcome attendees at our services. We are always looking for friendly faces to help out on Sunday mornings! If you are interested in becoming a deacon or greeter, please contact Shannon Benedetti, Deacon Co-Chair.
In addition to serving as a deacon, volunteers can sign up to bless our Sunday worship as a greeter or a scripture reader.
The UCMI Men’s Ministry exists to bring men together in fellowship with one another for the purpose of growing stronger in friendship and faith. The men's group gathers each month for breakfast and plans engaging programming that welcomes all in the congregation and community.
The Missions Committee is responsible for highlighting the missions of the Church to the congregation, the community, and the world. After thorough review, the Missions Committee selects organizations that will be supported by the Missions budget and special offerings throughout the year as well as the amount of support to be given. Church members also provide “hands on” mission by volunteering at many of our local mission partners, demonstrating our faith in action. One of our most faithful ministry missions is the Bargain Basket Thrift Shop, where many volunteer their time as volunteers, allowing our mission giving budget to grow year after year.
Many festivities are planned throughout the year by our Hospitality Committee. From holiday gatherings, to celebrations, to fellowship following services, the Committee is dedicated to making everyone who walks through our doors feel welcome and part of our warm and caring worship community.
The Women’s Ministry at UCMI exists to bring together women who share laughter, fun and faith with one another. Women's Fellowship lunches and programming provide an opportunity to get to know others at UCMI and within the community while growing in Christian love together. Women’s Fellowship meets on the second Monday of each month, November through April. And be sure to join the ladies of UCMI for lunch on the first Thursday of every month for a great time of food, fun and fellowship at an area restaurant. This is a great time to get to know other women at UCMI that you are not acquainted with and grow in Christian love together. All are welcome to attend.
Don’t miss out on upcoming ministry events - Download the UCMI app or look below and mark your calendar!